
Trying to figure out what you want and what direction to go into, can be extremely hard. Currently, I am in training as  a Pharmacy Technician. And I’m really enjoying it. However, there’s an opportunity for me to become a Pharmacist!

Sounds like a great opportunity, right? So, why is it I’m just not that passionate about becoming a Pharmacist? I mean, don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love being a Pharmacy Technician and I love the training and everyone that I work with. But, my passion for becoming a Pharmacist is just not there. I feel like that it’s because I like to be more mobile and I like to be able to go throughout the hospital and interact with people in a way that I couldn’t necessarily do as a Pharmacist.

I know that it’s a great chance and seems like I should be more automatically excited. But, it’s just not there for me. See, I’ve been studying, (or at least I should be studying!) to become a Social Worker. This was a suggestion that my Mom made to me because I love to help people. So, tonight I was looking online and I really feel that I need to pursue a Career in Social Work.

There are so many people that don’t have anyone to fight for them on their behalf and I hate when people have a voice, but it’s silenced by others or society. Could be because of Socioeconomic status, race, gender, etc. So, I feel that every one that wants to be heard, should be.

A lot of people have been telling me to become a Pharmacist. But, that’s just not in my heart. I know that I must listen to my heart and I must follow my gut. I love the every single piece of encouragement that I’ve received. But, I am hopeful that the direction that I am working on now, will be one that I can make a career out of, and more importantly help people with it.

Here’s hoping that is a large part of my Destiny!

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